Hey Day 2009!
Hey Day History

Hey Day has represented the official passage of the junior class to senior status and is characterized by thousands of marching students parading around campus and wearing red T-shirts, carrying canes, and biting into fake straw hats.
The official ceremony is scheduled for the last day of school Friday, April 24th, 2009. Let your professor know if you have class that day.
First, there will be a FREE Junior Class Picnic beginning at 12 PM where you can eat and pickup your hats and canes. Join our entire class for music, food, and good times. Food service will last until 3 PM.
The Class Procession will commence at approximately 3:15 PM from 39th and Locust, ending at the steps of College Hall at 4 PM where we will be addressed by President Amy Gutmann and declared Seniors!
- Hey Day activities do not supersede any academic commitments
- No containers or bags of any kind will be allowed during the picnic or the class procession across campus
- Your PennCard is required to access the picnic and participate in the procession
Additional Links:
See the Hey Day Shirt Design Submissions!Hey Day Shirt Design Contest!
History of Hey Day
Penn Traditons
Hey Day Schedule
The schedule for Hey Day is... | |
12:00-3:00pm | Picnic |
3:15-3:45pm | Class Procession |
3:50-4:00pm | Hey Day Ceremony at College Hall |
During these times, you will be able to purchase your Hey Day T-shirt and receive a redeemable coupon for your hat, cane, and sunglasses (to be picked up at the Junior Class Picnic on Friday). Sales are cash only (please bring exact change), final, and - because some sizes are limited - made on a "first-come, first-serve basis." Please bring your penncard for identification. Any leftover merchandise will be sold on Friday at the Junior Class Picnic.
* Note: If you are currently abroad and would like to purchase a
Hey Day T-Shirt or Package, please make arrangements with someone
on campus who can buy it for you.
You may pick up your hat, cane, and sunglasses on Friday between
12 PM and 3 PM during the Junior Class Picnic on the 40th Green. You
must have your coupon and Penn Card with you in order to redeem your hat, cane, and sunglasses.
* Remember to wear your Shirt on Hey Day!
- $30 for the entire package (T-Shirt/Hat/Cane/Sunglasses)
- $15 for the T-Shirt only
- $15 for the Hat, Cane, and sunglasses only
Hey Day Responsibility
We encourage you to show courtesy and act responsibly during Hey Day to ensure that it will be a safe tradition for classes in the future. We are fortunate to have Hey Day for our class, and it will be an incredible day for all of us!