Hey Day T-Shirts!
Send in your submission!

Want to have your design featured on over 2,000 shirts during Hey Day? Create a design and upload it here to be eligible. Rules are as follows:
- Designs must have a front and a back (examples below)
- Shirt must be red with a maximum of 5 additional printed colors
- Multiple submissions or variations are acceptable
- Upload images under 10mb (jpg only), details must be visible
- Save a copy of your design on your computer in case it's chosen
- You may use the template provided (JPG | PSD)
The contest will end April 6th at Noon so that the shirts can be printed. This deadline will be strictly enforced so don't be late. We encourage early submission so that others can post comments about the shirt designs. We will take into consideration comments left by students. The winning designer will get a free Hey Day package including a shirt, hat, and cane. Good luck!
Shirt Design Submission Form